Bloom Bump Pregnancy Classes

These exercise programs are designed specifically for pregnancy. They are not only safe, but functional & effective. All classes are programmed with the aim of keeping you strong and mobile as your baby grows, prepare your body for labour & birth and help prepare you physically for motherhood. Both classes incorporate strength, mobility and flexibility, breath work, core & pelvic floor exercises. Bump Mat is predominantly mat based, Pilates style exercises and Bump Strength has a stronger focus on strength based functional movements.

Classes are run by an experienced women’s health exercise physiologist and is therefore adaptable for women who are experiencing any symptoms such as pelvic floor symptoms, prolapse or pain

This package is a great way to get started with Bloom pregnancy exercise. Included is an initial assessment, 6 classes (Strength or Mat), a review appointment to check in with how your pregnancy is going and make changes to your exercise as well as a take home program at a discounted rate of $380.

After your initial consult you can pay as you go at $33 per class or purchase a class pack at $180 for 6 or $290 for 10.

All components are eligible for private health rebates.

Your 1:1 consult will take place prior to the class beginning to obtain a thorough understanding of your pregnancy, current health and your goals to ensure the program and exercises prescribed are specific to you.


Bump Strength 5pm Monday and 8am Saturday

Bump Mat Thursday 5:45pm

Where: 5/87 Brisbane St Ipswich CBD

What participants have said:

“Through pregnancy and now postpartum I have attended Naomi's classes and I highly recommend her programs! Not only did it help me feel more confident, especially in the final days of pregnancy, but even now in postpartum I'm feeling great and ready to get back in to regular exercise. It's a relaxed environment and also a wonderful way to meet other mums who are in the exact same boat as you. Sign up, it's 100% worth it”.