Postnatal Return to Running 8 WeekProgram

This program is a reintroduction to running and higher impact exercise after having a baby. It is the next step from our beginner postnatal program, advanced class and those wanting to progress to higher intensity activity. Participants must be at least 12 weeks postpartum, unless it has been discussed with us.

The small group classes will involve running specific strength training, mobility exercises, running drills, guidelines on how to gradually progress running and of course some running! Each class will be progressively challenging & aim to make you feel strong & confident in your return to running or high impact activity.

*please note if you have significant pelvic floor symptoms it is strongly recommended you have an assessment with a women's health physio prior, if you are not sure we are happy to chat with you prior to signing up

Your 1:1 consult will take place prior to the class beginning to obtain a thorough understanding of your pregnancy, birth, current health, and your goals. We will assess posture, abdominal separation, pelvic floor symptoms, core function & breathing mechanics. We will also assess readiness for running with our running checklist and assessment.

The package includes 8 x 45min classes, a 1:1 initial assessment, a 40min review appointment, a personalised home exercise program and access to special offers for $435. All components are eligible for private health rebates. As we keep this group small, spaces are limited.

Bubs are most welcome in prams or on mats.

Our next block will begin Friday 2nd of February 7:45am at Limestone Park Ipswich.